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Emergency Dentist Iowa

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State of Iowa Emergency Dentists by City


Walk in Dentist Iowa

Emergency Dentist IowaWelcome to our Iowa emergency dentist page. We’re going to strive to find the best 24 hour dental care in your area. Our 24 hour dentist florida page lists all of the major cities in the
state and you’ll find what you need simply by browsing to your city and looking through the listings of dentists who work 24-7 for your care! This page is all about emergency dental care in the state of Iowa, we can provide you with some great locations for emergency dentists in your area as well as other information such as here you can find information like:

  • Where Iowa ranks in the nation with regards to oral care.
  • Where to find an emergency 24 hour dentist in your state.
  • Which urgent care dentist is the best fit for you.
  • Average prices for dental insurance plans in Iowa

Sizing Iowa Up

When it comes to oral care, Iowa is definitely one of the better states that we have come across. It goes without saying that no state is perfect and Iowa is no different but they are way above the nation in a couple of major categories. For example…

  • Iowa has a 76% rate of adults who have visited the dentist in the past year (the nation only averaged 69.7%).
  • Iowa also has a 76% rate of adults who have had their teeth cleaned in the past year (the nation only averaged 68.5%)
  • Iowa has a median annual income of $50,046 a year (this is slightly above the national average.)
  • Iowa only has a 14% poverty rate (which is excellent compared to the nations 20%)

(Statistics found at statehealthfacts.org)

Iowa Dental Insurance

We include this section in all of our “state” pages for one specific reason. We have found that a portion of the people seeking emergency help for their dental problems actually have no insurance at all. So, when we did our research on Iowa we made it a priority to see what percentage of the population living there was uninsured.

Would you like to know?


(Statistic found at statehealthfacts.org)

Which is actually incredible when you compare it to the national average at 16%. Of course, the last thing you want is to have a really big dental emergency and be uninsured. Thus, we took the liberty and did some independent research for you to discover what you can expect to pay if you were planning on getting dental insurance for one person.

  • If one person applies for dental insurance in Iowa they can expect to pay anywhere between $14-$44 a month.
  • FYI, the best site for finding dental insurance in Iowa is E Health Insurance

Finding An Iowa Emergency Dentist

You are in need of an emergency dentist and you are in need of one right now!

Well, we can help you on that front as well. There are a total of 1,684 dentists to choose from in the state of Iowa. However, not all of them are open 24 hours a day and ready serve your needs on a Saturday or Sunday. That may sound a little scary to you but don’t worry, that’s where we come in.

We have compiled a pretty comprehensive resource on the emergency dentists in Iowa. We have done the legwork and compiled pretty valuable information on specific dentists who are…

  • Ready to serve you in case of an emergency.
  • Open 24 hours a day.
  • Open on holidays and weekends.
  • Close to your city.
  • Are considered to be quality practices.

Emergency Dentist in Iowa
The way this page is outlined is pretty simple. We have divided our research on urgent care dentists on a city by city basis. Meaning all you have to do is locate your city or a city close to you to find a practice. Good luck!