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Emergency Dentist Oregon

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State of Oregon Emergency Dentists by City


Walk in Dentist Oregon

Emergency Dentist OregonThis is our page on Oregon emergency dentists. We really have one goal with this page, to help you locate the nearest urgent care dentist. Of course, that doesn’t mean that, that is all we will be talking about on this page. The truth of the matter is that after hearing from numerous visitors and their specific situations we have learned what the things are that most of you are interested in. For example, we are going to compare Oregon to the rest of the United States so you can get an idea of where your state ranks in oral health. Another common situation that we hear about is the fact that some of the visitors who are in emergency situations are without insurance. We are going to tell you exactly how you can be prepared for a dental emergency if you are in this situation.

Oral Health Of Oregon

We doubt you have ever thought of the question until now but have you ever wondered where your state ranked in the national scheme of things? Well, you are about to find out. Typically there are a number of statistics that we consult when ranking a state. For one, we look at the number of people who have visited a dentist in the past year. Next, we look at the people who actually went in to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned. Finally, we look at the elderly and see how many of them managed to hold on to their teeth throughout their lives. This may sound weird to you but trust us when we say that some statistics are pretty shocking. Here is where your state ranked with statistics from statehealthfacts.org.

  • The percentage of adults who visited a dentist in the past year, 70.4% (Nation- 69.7%)
  • The percentage of adults who got their teeth cleaned by a dentist in the past year, 67.8% (Nation- 68.5%)
  • The percentage of the elderly (65+) who have had all their natural teeth extracted, 13.7% (Nation- 17%.)

Notice how Oregon hold’s it’s own in pretty much every major category. Of course, they don’t exceed the national average but they do quite well to stay on it. So, give yourself a pat on the back for that.

Financially Preparing For An Emergency

Unless you are Marty McFly from back to the future it is impossible to know exactly when you are going to have an oral emergency. However, chances are good that you will have at least one in your life. Now, while you can’t plan exactly when your emergency is going to occur what you can do is prepare for it.

A sad fact is that we have heard so many stories of people with some sort of emergency that they want to get resolved but are scared to go to the dentist because they don’t have any insurance. Our recommendation if you are in this situation is to get insurance. Scratch that, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!


Let’s look at it this way. When you go in for a typical dental cleaning how much are you expecting to pay without insurance? $80? $100? $120?

All of those estimates can be accurate depending on the dentist you choose. Now, we want to ask you another question? If you have a very serious emergency that requires immediate attention how much do you think that is going to cost you? The answer is significantly more. Dental insurance can potentially save you thousands if you have some sort of crazy accident.

We took the liberty of looking up some of the dental insurance rates in Oregon via EHealthInsurance.com to give you an accurate idea of what you can expect to pay for dental insurance on a per month basis.

  • We were able to locate over 20 different dental insurance plans in Oregon.
  • The cheapest plan will cost you $15.57 per month.
  • The priciest plan we came across will cost you $37.43 per month.
  • When you average all 20 plans together you come up with $26.12 per month.

The Closest Emergency Dentist To You By City

Emergency Dentist in OregonProbably one of the most challenging things during an emergency situation is to actually locate a dentist that is willing to take you. Maybe you already have a dentist that you are fiercely loyal to but in our experience emergencies can occur at any time and that dentist you were so fiercely loyal to may not be open to see you in time. That’s where we come in. We have done some hardcore research and located the top emergency dentist in the Oregon area.

We felt that the best way to divide up our research was to do it by city. The way this works is really quite simple. All you have to do is find the closest city to you and we will give you the information on the dentists in that area. Good luck in finding a dentist close to you!

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